Internal Egg Laying In Chickens: Prevention And Solutions

Impact-Site-Verification: 05e0c007-8e0a-4cd3-bc9a-5f1251bdab04 Many backyard chicken farmers find their chickens’ egg laying slowing or stopping altogether during the summer. While the first thought is to attribute it to the extreme heat we suffer each year, it may not be why some of your hens stop laying. Internal egg laying in chickens is not a common condition, … Read more

Chicken Breeds For Hot Climates

One overlooked aspect of backyard chicken farming is choosing the right chicken breeds for hot climates. Your breed choices impact the well-being and productivity of your flock, which in turn affects the sustainability and profitability of your farm. Hot environments, typically characterized by temperatures ranging from [86-104 °F] and high humidity, present unique and significant … Read more

Feeding Chickens for Health and the Best Eggs

Most people raising chickens for the first time over-complicate their needs…wasting money on fancy gadgets and equipment they don’t need. Backyard chicken farming is relatively simple. Your birds’ only needs are food, shelter, and water. While poultry waterers and feeders are nice, they aren’t necessary; anything deep enough to avoid tipping and the chickens walking … Read more

DIY Chick Brooder

baby chicks

Setting the stage for the healthy development of chicks requires a reliable and carefully constructed environment. This is where a chick brooder comes into play, serving as a warm, safe haven for baby chicks during their first weeks. Building a DIY chick brooder not only allows for customization to meet the specific needs of your … Read more