Raising Show Chickens


Raising Show Chickens and What I Need to Know Backyard chicken farmers raise chickens for various reasons with two of the most common being eggs and pets. However, with the rising popularity of raising show chickens, we need more information about this hobby. First Things First My best advice to anyone wanting to raise show chickens is: … Read more

Raising Chickens as Pets


When you consider getting a pet, your first thought is a cat or dog. However, keeping chickens as pets is growing in popularity as people become aware of the advantages to having a small, backyard flock. Advantages to Pet Chickens Chickens are fun and educational: more interesting than TV. Like other pets, chickens have varying … Read more

Heat Stress and Keeping Your Chickens Cool


The snow is gone and warm weather is returning; it’s time to start practicing hot weather care for your backyard flock. Knowing how to prevent and treat heat stress and exhaustion is important during the hot summer months. Heat stress and exhaustion is one of the top causes of chicken death. For those new to … Read more

New Chicken Coop and Pen on the “Cheep” – Step 2


If you haven’t noticed by now, we bargain hunt, dumpster dive, repurpose and reuse; from Craig’s List to raiding dump piles along our back roads, anything is possible. Nothing is more obvious of our money saving ideas than our quest to build a new chicken pen and coop for $200 or less. I’m happy to … Read more

Reasons for Not Raising Backyard Chickens


Anyone who knows me, knows I love my backyard chickens. What’s not to love? The happy clucking of a small flock as they peck around the yard or the delightful squawks as an unlucky worm is spotted for a midday snack. Then there’s the bliss of fresh eggs with their orange yolks and wonderful flavor. … Read more

Raising Meat Chickens in Your Backyard


If you have been considering raising backyard chickens for meat, but just need a little push form logic before diving in, maybe I can help. The popularity of backyard chicken farming is growing each year with few signs of slowing down anytime soon. The idea of sustainability, self-reliance, and healthy food sources has people embracing … Read more