How To Get Ready For Baby Chicks

baby chicks

I know it is still winter, but it is never too early to start planning for spring when it comes to raising chickens. Mid to late winter is when we start thinking about adding chickens to our flock and what chickens we need to add. We raise mostly laying hens, so we decide what breeds we want to add. Some breeds, like Rhode Island Reds, sell out quickly, so we like to ensure they are at the top of the list when we order.

Welcoming new life into your world is an enriching experience, and when it comes to rearing baby chicks, it’s no different. The prospect of tiny fluff balls developing into full-grown hens or roosters is an exciting journey. However, it’s not without its demands. Preparation is vital to starting your flock off right. You are laying the foundation for a happy, healthy flock.

The First Step in Raising Baby Chicks

The next step in your backyard chicken adventure is setting up a brooder for your baby chicks. But before we work through setting up a brooder, we need to start with what you need to do right now to ensure you’re ready for the arrival of your chicks. We must create a checklist to prepare a nurturing environment for our young flock members. Your new brood will thrive if you know the basics, like warmth, nutrition, and safety.

Pay attention to the details to be successful at raising healthy chicks. Like a new parent, you’ll find that attention to these details makes all the difference. With that in mind, let’s move on to the practicalities of constructing a comfortable, safe, and welcoming space for your chicks by giving them the perfect brooder.

The Perfect Brooder

A brooder is your chicks’ first home, where they’ll spend the earliest weeks of their lives. To ensure they flourish, finding the right location is vital. A quiet corner in a garage or a spare room, away from predators and traffic, works well. Keep it away from windows to avoid drafts, yet somewhere with enough ventilation to prevent moisture buildup.

You can buy a commercial brooder or make one using a large cardboard box, plastic tub, or a repurposed furniture piece like a large dresser drawer. Just remember the space must be warm, dry, and spacious enough for the chicks to move freely. If you are new to brooding chicks, making a simple brooder before investing money in a fancier commercial brooder might be the better choice. While commercial brooders have some great options, you may want to try raising a flock of baby chicks before investing the extra money. If you are sure about raising baby chickens, here are some great brooder options for your fledgling flock.

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The brooder must include a heat source, as chicks require consistent warmth. Aim for a temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit in the first week, which can be achieved using a red heat lamp or a safer radiant heat plate. Over time, reduce the temperature by 5 degrees per week until they acclimate to room temperature.

Bedding plays an integral role in maintaining a clean environment for the chicks. Pine shavings or chopped straw absorb moisture, control odor, keep the chicks comfortable, and make suitable bedding options. Stay clear of cedar shavings and newspapers; they aren’t safe for chicks due to toxicity and slipperiness. We bought wood shavings for Guinea Pigs and Hamsters from our area farm store.

Safety is paramount. Ensure the brooder is predator-proof and has a cover to prevent the chicks from escaping. Additionally, secure the heat source so it won’t fall over and cause a fire hazard. Regular cleaning is crucial to maintain good health. Having designated feeding and watering areas will help keep the nest clean.

Ordering Baby Chicks

Baby chicks will arrive at your local feed stores later this month through March, depending on where you live. I like buying my chicks from a small, family-owned feed store about five miles from our house. They have a fair selection of healthy chicks to choose from. Some box stores like Ace Hardware stores, Atwoods, and Tractor Supply. However, I like to order from online sources for the best selections. If you use a reputable hatchery and time your delivery correctly, you should be okay with ordering chicks online.

? Places to Order Baby Chicks ?
Hatchery Visit their Website Vaccination Option
Cackle Hatchery Visit Website Yes
Meyer Hatchery Visit Website Yes
Murray McMurray Hatchery Visit Website Yes
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Nutrition and Hydration for Your Chicks

A fitting start in nutrition sets the foundation for a healthy life, especially for baby chicks. When you’ve got everything cozy in your brooder, it’s time to focus on what goes into your chicks. A balanced diet makes all the difference. Opt for a starter feed formulated with the right balance of protein, vitamins, and minerals that chicks require. You can choose between medicated or unmedicated feed, depending on whether your chicks have been vaccinated against coccidiosis. If in doubt, consult a vet.

With their feed sorted, attention turns to water – the source of life. Chicks need constant access to fresh, clean water. That means changing it daily or even more frequently if it gets dirty. For this, waterers designed for chicks, which prevent drowning and keep the water clean, are essential.

You might be tempted to throw in some kitchen scraps as treats, but caution is advised. Until chicks are a little older, their digestive systems aren’t ready for complex foods. Stick to grit to give them something extra to aid digestion.

Ready to ensure their continued health and comfort? In the next section, I’ll discuss how to observe your chicks for signs of health issues and maintain their well-being through vigilant care and comfortable living conditions.

Raise Healthy Chicks

Monitoring the health and well-being of your baby chicks is crucial. Even with the best setup, you must ensure they thrive. A straightforward way to do this is by setting a daily routine to check on them. Look at the chick’s eyes and check for clean feathers and activity levels that match their age and breed norms.

Some common issues you might encounter are pasting up, where droppings stick to the chick’s vent, or signs of lethargy, which could indicate illness or improper brooder temperature. Having a plan to address these quickly is important. You should also clean the chicks regularly to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria. We always replace the bedding every other day. It may seem like a lot, but it means healthier chicks.

A baby chick’s stress levels can spike with too much handling, changes in temperature, or loud and disruptive noises. Limit handling in the first few days to avoid stress in baby chicks, keeping young children from handling them until they become better acclimated. Provide a consistent light so you can keep their environment peaceful. It is crucial to remember that stress can result in diminished immunity, making them more susceptible to illness.

The environment you’ve created should be as stress-free as possible, which is the ideal segue into preparing for the transition to their coop. The space they’ll eventually call home should offer a similar sense of security and meet all their growing needs.

Moving Your Growing Chicks to the Coop

When your chicks begin to feather out and become more independent, it’s time to plan their next big move: transitioning from their brooder to the chicken coop, their new forever home. This move can be stressful for young chicks, so you want to make the experience as stress-free as possible for your baby chicks and you.

First, ensure your chicks are ready to transition to the chicken coop. The chicks should be primarily feathered and no longer reliant on the heat lamp to regulate their body temperature. This usually happens around the six-week mark, but it can vary, so keep a close eye on their development.

Next, you must prepare the chicken coop for its newest residents. Ensure the coop is cleaned and free from parasites; add plenty of fresh bedding. Your chicken coop must have ample space for all birds to roost and feed without overcrowding.

If you integrate your chicks with an existing flock, introduce them gradually. Start by placing them in a separate but adjacent space where both groups can see and acclimate to each other without direct contact. This can be something like chicken wire between the two areas, which will separate them, but they can still see each other.

Finally, observe how your existing flock interacts with the new baby chickens. Watch them closely, stepping in to prevent bullying if necessary. While picking on the younger chicks is a part of developing the new pecking order, vigilance helps keep peace and ensure your chicks are safely accepted into the flock.

Remember, these early stages of life are pivotal for your chicks. With careful preparation and a watchful eye during the transition to their new home, you will help ensure them a healthy, happy life as part of your backyard flock. With patience and attention, your chicks will soon thrive in their new environment, rewarding you with all the joys of raising chickens.

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